Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini
Full professor of Diseases of the Cardiovascular system, University of Bologna
Specialties: Cardiology
Full professor of Diseases of the Cardiovascular system, University of Bologna
Specialties: Cardiology
All videos
Gender differences in the diagnosis and treatment of Isch. H.D.
Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini
Infarto femminile: equità delle cure e peculiarità fisiopatologiche
Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini
Mortality due to infarction and physiological specificity of women
Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini
Statins for over 65s: 30% reduction in heart attack risk
Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini
With the same severity of heart attack, the woman dies more than the man from heart failure
Prof. Raffaele Bugiardini