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Bernier, MD, PD
Jacques Bernier, MD, PD
Chief Department of Radio-Oncology, Swiss Genolier Medical Network, Geneva. Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva.

Disease:  Locally Advanced Cancer

Specialties:  Radiation Oncology



Specialist in radio-Oncology and Nuclear Medicine



Jacques Bernier currently heads the Radio-Oncology Division at the Swiss Genolier

Medical Network, in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1995 he received a Privat Docent Chair from

Geneva University where he is teacher. Throughout most of his career, Professor Bernier

has been heavily involved with clinical research, including studies of novel technologies in

radiotherapy, and biochemical and biological modifiers of tumor response to ionizing

radiation. A Faculty member at the European School of Oncology, he is also the Past-

Chairman of the Head and Neck Group of the EORTC (European Organisation for

Research and Treatment of Cancer, Brussels, Belgium), Chairman of the European

InterGroup of Head and Neck Oncology, President of the Foundation for the Advancement

of Radiation Oncology (FARO Foundation) in Geneva, and a Member of the Scientific

Committee of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation in Milan, Italy. His research interests

focus on improving survival and quality of life in patients with head and neck, and breast

cancer. In a recent past he has been instrumental in introducing the concept of chemoradiation

in post-operative setting for locally advanced head and neck cancers. He is an

Editorial Board member of various peer-reviewed journals, including the “Journal of

Clinical Oncology, “International Journal of Radiation Biology and Physics” and “Head &

Neck”. Jacques Bernier is also the Chairman of the International Conference on

Translational Research in Radio-Oncology, organized every three years in Switzerland.


o Genolier Swiss Medical Network

o Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva Switzerland

Publications & media

Bernier’s research focuses on the development of novel treatments combining local and

systemic treatments in the field of the head-and-neck oncology. He is also studying the

role of intra-operative radiotherapy in patients with early breast cancer. Key-words:

head-and-neck carcinoma, chemo-radiotherapy, targeted therapies, radiotherapy;

breast, partial breast irradiation, intra-operative radiotherapy. He is main author or coauthor

of more than 150 scientific contributions (original articles, review articles,

editorials, book chapters) in peer-reviewed publications. He is the Editor of a Textbook to

be published by Humana Press/Springer in early 2010 (“Multi-Disciplinary Treatments in

Head-and-Neck cancer Patients”).

Treatments offered

o External radiotherapy, Chemo-radiation, Intra-operative radiotherapy, Prostate

Brachytherapy, Immunotherapy

Spoken languages

French, Italian and English.

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