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EuroPCR 2021 - Milano Hub
The role of imaging and new technologies in interventional procedures is increasingly important
The role of imaging and new technologies in interventional procedures is increasingly important
EuroPCR 2021 - Milano Hub
The role of imaging and new technologies in interventional procedures is increasingly important

As a result of almost two years of Covid-19, EuroPCR presents itself to its European targets with new formats. These allow you to take advantage of the opportunities for face-to-face meetings, when possible, by combining them with the recently tested digital conference forms. At the same time as the EuroPCR meeting held in Milan, 9 other similar scientific events were held in as many European locations. The video report from the Milan "hub" that we propose below concerns some of the hot topics addressed on the occasion.

As a result of almost two years of Covid-19, EuroPCR presents itself to its European targets with new formats. These allow you to take advantage of the opportunities for face-to-face meetings, when possible, by combining them with the recently tested digital conference forms. At the same time as the EuroPCR meeting held in Milan, 9 other similar scientific events were held in as many European locations. The video report from the Milan "hub" that we propose below concerns some of the hot topics addressed on the occasion.


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