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Aortic stenosis : minimally invasive cardiac surgery for valve replacement
A non-isease Froaggressive surgical technique and suture-less bioprostheses are the "gold standard" in the treatment of the aortic valve degenerative
A non-isease  Froaggressive surgical technique and suture-less bioprostheses are the "gold standard" in the treatment of the aortic valve degenerative
Aortic stenosis : minimally invasive cardiac surgery for valve replacement
A non-isease Froaggressive surgical technique and suture-less bioprostheses are the "gold standard" in the treatment of the aortic valve degenerative

 A press conference at the Cardio Center of Istituto Clinico Humanitas to evaluate the most advanced techniques for the treatment of the degenerative aortic valve stenosis, very frequently associated with aortic valve regurgitation. Doctor Mattia Glauber, Head of the Cardio Center, did not only provide information on all the issues connected with this disease and the techniques to treat it, but he also performed – by means of a video connection with the press room – an aortic valve replacement using suture-less biological valves and a minimally invasive surgical technique. Here you can see the video of the complete procedure.


 A press conference at the Cardio Center of Istituto Clinico Humanitas to evaluate the most advanced techniques for the treatment of the degenerative aortic valve stenosis, very frequently associated with aortic valve regurgitation. Doctor Mattia Glauber, Head of the Cardio Center, did not only provide information on all the issues connected with this disease and the techniques to treat it, but he also performed – by means of a video connection with the press room – an aortic valve replacement using suture-less biological valves and a minimally invasive surgical technique. Here you can see the video of the complete procedure.



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