scientific meetings
childhood diseases
scientific meetings
childhood diseases
The most frequent childhood diseases are exanthematous, infectious forms characterized by a constant symptom, i.e. the appearance of skin rashes, called exanthemas. The most important are: measles, varicella, rubella, scarlet fever (fourth disease), infectious erythema (fifth disease), critical exanthema (sixth disease), hands, feet and mouth. There are also other pathologies, such as: type 1 diabetes, sleep apnea, behavior disorders, tonsillitis, growing pains, psychomotor retardation and many others. Vaccines, correct personal and general hygiene in schools and constant monitoring by the pediatrician are essential for correct prevention.
The most frequent childhood diseases are exanthematous, infectious forms characterized by a constant symptom, i.e. the appearance of skin rashes, called exanthemas. The most important are: measles, varicella, rubella, scarlet fever (fourth disease), infectious erythema (fifth disease), critical exanthema (sixth disease), hands, feet and mouth. There are also other pathologies, such as: type 1 diabetes, sleep apnea, behavior disorders, tonsillitis, growing pains, psychomotor retardation and many others. Vaccines, correct personal and general hygiene in schools and constant monitoring by the pediatrician are essential for correct prevention.
La Pediatria nella pratica clinica - IX edizione
An important appointment for Milanese and Lombard Pediatrics: from research to clinical practice
XXXI National Congress of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics
XX Congresso Società Italiana di Allergologia e Immunologia Pediatrica
34 Congresso Nazionale di Antibioticoterapia in età pediatrica
33rd National Conference on Antibiotic Therapy in Pedriatic Age
32° National Congress on Antibiotic-therapy in Paediatric age
The congress focused on infectious pathologies in paediatric age with special attention to prevention, diagnosis and therapies.
31st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases
SIRP - Società Italiana di Ricerca Pediatrica
Un nuovo progetto per acquisti on-line consapevoli e di qualità, a supporto della ricerca in pediatria. La Società Italiana di Ricerca Pediatrica e la sua adesione alla piattaforma on-line "La via dello shopping".