Associazione Italiana Giovani Parkinsoniani
Run for Parkinson's: a joyful event to support the fight against this neurodegenerative disease
Associazione Italiana Giovani Parkinsoniani
Run for Parkinson's: a joyful event to support the fight against this neurodegenerative disease
In the splendid natural setting of the Parco di Monza, on April 17, 2016 a sporting event took place which involved many young people with parkinson's disease. People of all ages were eager to show their support in the fight against this severe neurodegenerative disease.
The event was organized by the Associazione Italiana Giovani Parkinsoniani, under the direction of an indomitable Claudia Milani, who is particularly active in mobilizing support for research and resources to improve the quality of life of the patients suffering from this disease. The presence of the YouMed crew allowed many of those attending to share their stories and experiences with a wider audience.
In the splendid natural setting of the Parco di Monza, on April 17, 2016 a sporting event took place which involved many young people with parkinson's disease. People of all ages were eager to show their support in the fight against this severe neurodegenerative disease.
The event was organized by the Associazione Italiana Giovani Parkinsoniani, under the direction of an indomitable Claudia Milani, who is particularly active in mobilizing support for research and resources to improve the quality of life of the patients suffering from this disease. The presence of the YouMed crew allowed many of those attending to share their stories and experiences with a wider audience.
shared stories
Così la malattia è entrata nella nostra vita - Luca Campregher, Brescia
Attività fisica: un aiuto irrinunciabile - Luca Campregher, Brescia
Le difficoltà nel mondo del lavoro e nella quotidianità - Antonio Ciccarelli, Torino
Dopo la diagnosi, la ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio - Stefania, Milano
Reagire alla malattia con impegno e progetti - Claudia Milani
L'esperienza dell'impianto DBS - Anna Frigerio
Assistere il coniuge parkinsoniano: le cose da imparare - Silvano Appiani