medical updating events by topics
cardiovascular diseases
female urogenital and reproductive system diseases
There are several pathologies that affect the female reproductive system among the most frequent. polyps, fibroids, endometriosis, tumors of the genital system, vaginal atrophy, polycystic ovary syndrome and vaginal infections. The female genital system is made up of the external genitalia (the vulva) and internal ones: the latter are the vagina, the uterus, the Fallopian tubes and the ovaries. Its functions are reproductive, producing female gametes, and endocrine, producing female hormones such as estrogen and progestin. The main activities of the female reproductive system include: puberty: preparing the body to have children, the menstrual cycle: the monthly cycle of production of eggs and menstruation, and pregnancy: conception and growth of the fetus.
musculoskeletal system diseases
inflammatory diseases and pain
other topics
all medical updating events
Interviews from the fifteenth edition of this event inspired by the paradigm of “One Mental Health”, to underline the critical issues of the interconnection between human, animal and environmental health. Contents focused on psychological well-being and mental health, organizational well-being in work and training environments, in social-health contexts, in prison and care environments.
19th Risk Management Forum
Interviews from the nineteenth edition of the Forum Risk Management in Healthcare in Arezzo. An event that aims to be a place for comparing contributions, useful for a reform of the National Healthcare System shared among the many components that determine its functioning. Participants include Scientific Societies, Research Institutions and Institutes, Mayors and proximity networks of the territories, Citizens' and Patients' Associations, non-profit and profit companies, oriented towards social responsibility.
Interviews from Cardiobrixia 2
Scientific meeting proposed by the University of Brescia with educational and training purposes and aimed at cardiologists and internists. It focuses on the major themes of contemporary cardiology: from cardiovascular prevention to the treatment of acute and chronic coronary syndromes, from the new frontiers of arrhythmology to the clinical use of cardiovascular imaging, from cardio-immunogenetics to the treatment of heart failure.
The consequences of the decline in estrogen
The decrease in estrogen due to menopause can cause symptoms of various kinds but is above all the cause of the increase in cardiovascular risk and of important osteoarticular pathologies. The multidisciplinary meeting that is the subject of this report is coordinated and conducted by specialists from different disciplines, involved at various levels in the management of menopause.
Connecting retina specialists
A conference on the latest developments in retinal practice, co-organised by LMU Klinikum Munchen and Sacro Cuore – Don Calabria in Negrar, which alternates between Verona and Munich. Verona VM Retina Meeting, with over 700 participants from 45 different countries, offered important opportunities for discussion and in-depth analysis on the innovations of the near future with the key leaders of the sector.
Corso internazionale tenutosi a Bologna, dedicato alle metodiche di misurazione e calcolo della potenza delle lenti intraoculari (IOL). La ricerca internazionale sta esplorando nuovi metodi per migliorare l’accuratezza del calcolo della potenza delle IOL e delle ICL (Lenti Collameri Impiantabili), aspetti essenziali nell’ottica e nell’oftalmologia. Si riferiscono alla capacità di una lente di piegare la luce correttamente per risolvere problemi di visione. La potenza dell’obiettivo viene misurata in diottrie e può essere calcolata utilizzando diverse formule.
Interdisciplinary event for updating and training involving ophthalmologists, opticians and industry, on the visual problems of presbyopes and the solutions to resolve them. Among the objectives of the initiative are the improvement of the relationship between ophthalmologist and presbyope and the support to the optician and optometrist in responding to the corrective need and in the subsequent checks of visual satisfaction.
Share the Solution
Presentation event of the #ShareThesolution manifesto, created with the patronage of Amici Onlus, the National Association for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases of the Atestine and Siccr, the Italian Society of Col-Rettal Surgery and with the non-conditioned contribution of Takeda Italia. The initiative was an opportunity to take stock of the latest therapeutic innovations and current prospects for the attention to the complications of Crohn's disease.
Focus on HeartInsight
A few months after the conclusion of the Selene HF study, the 18th AIAC Congress offered the opportunity for a comparison of clinical experiences regarding the use of the HeartInsight score in the remote management of heart failure. The protagonists are some of the clinicians who participated in the study, carried out on a panel of over a thousand patients. Given the complexity of the decision-making processes concerning heart failure, the expectations that emerge from the interviews regarding the first uses of the algorithm in the field suggest the stage of a path that leads to Artificial Intelligence.
Estates-General on rare diseases – University Hospital, Padova
Organized by the University Hospital of Padua (AOUP), on the occasion of the world day on Rare Diseases ("Rare Disease Day"). The initiative is part of a rapid evolution of the legislative, organizational-managerial and technical-scientific scenario. Among the topics covered, the rules for supporting research and the production of orphan drugs, special regional programs aimed at rare diseases and newborn screening, monitoring registers for managing access to treatments.
PLACE 2019 - 8th edition
Convegno. La malattia cardiaca affrontata con approccio olistico, ponendo al centro la persona e non le singole specialità
Dai Fattori di Rischio allo Sviluppo di Scompenso Cardiaco
Focus sulle modalità di contrasto allo sviluppo di una delle patologie cardiovascolari più insidiose
ICT 2019 - BARI
Corso teorico pratico d’impianto multidisciplinare sulle innovazioni tecnologiche nel settore cardiovascolare
Retina in Progress - 18^ Edizione
Un importante incremento del potenziale terapeutico che pone molti problemi di tipo metodologico e gestionale agli specialisti e ai sistemi sanitari
Neoplasms of the salivary glands
AIOCC study day, at the CNAO headquarters in Pavia, on tumors of the salivary glands