all clinical insights
all clinical insights
Diets and health
Nicola Sorrentino, specialist in Food Science and Dietetics known for his professional activity as a dietician and medical hydrologist, has written several successful books and publications. In this series of videos, he proposes the method that bears his name, aimed at helping people lose weight in a healthy and harmonious way, and reviews the most well-known diets, underlining their lights and shadows.
What changes with the arrival of natural estrogens
From the congress of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 4 interviews with the protagonists of a session dedicated to the consequences of the use of natural estrogens for women's health in all phases of their adult life. From the review of the characteristics of esterol a reassuring profile emerges, concerning both the efficacy and safety of use, from contraception to the contrast of the unwanted effects of menopause.
Resistance of Gram-negative bacterial infections
The treatment of bacterial infections caused by Gram-negative germs is made increasingly difficult by the growing resistance to currently available therapies. Real-world clinical evidence contributes to making the study of the action of antibiotics against multi-resistant pathogens more effective, as it allows us to overcome the methodological difficulties in carrying out prospective randomized studies, in particular on critically ill patients in advanced age.
Childhood allergies
Allergic diseases in children and adolescents are increasing in industrialized countries. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors: hygienic, environmental as well as related to eating habits and lifestyles and involves important risks for the health of young generations. Professor Michele Miraglia addresses the most important characteristics of these pathologies, from the epidemiological aspects to the diagnostic needs, up to current and future therapeutic opportunities.
Wider use of CGMs against type 2 diabetes
On the occasion of the 16th edition of the ATTD International Conference, Prof. Satish Garg addressed the topic of the strategies necessary to slow down the dramatic expansion of diabetic disease. In particular, he focuses on the still unexpressed potential of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and the virtuous effect that its massive use could have on the millions of prediabetic patients not yet on insulin.
Learning about coronary heart disease
Prof. Daniele Andreini, Director of the University Cardiological Clinic of the Galeazzi-S.Ambrogio Institute in Milan deals with the many aspects of coronary artery disease: from the symptoms to the diagnostic pathway, to the various types of treatment. Particular attention is devoted to the role of modern coronary imaging technology and its potential uses in both non-critical disease and interventional procedures.
RIPENSA Registry: studying perinatal asphyxia and preventing it
Perinatal asphyxia is a condition affecting full-term newborns. Much of it is unpredictable because it is not preceded by any event that signals a risk. Even today, every thousand newborns, two-three are born with asphyxia and a good percentage of these carry the effects of this dramatic moment for life. Eubrain's initiative, in collaboration with the Gaslini Institute, aims to create a national registry and start a study that helps to better understand the disease and contributes to reducing the number of asphyxiated children.
Complement inhibition by eculizumab
Focus on myasthenia gravis and neuromyelitis optica, two rare autoimmune neurological diseases sharing a pathogenetic mechanism involving the complement system. The protagonist of the 5 video interviews carried out on the occasion of the 52nd Congress of the Italian Society of Neurology is the monoclonal antibody eculizumab which bases its efficacy on the inhibition of the complement and on the rapidity of the therapeutic response. Among the topics addressed, the comparison between new therapies and traditional treatments, diagnostic difficulties, drug resistance and side effects.
Endurance sports and nutrition
The feeding methods in endurance competitions that exceed two hours are decisive for the level of performance. Dr. Mariano Casali, arrhythmologist cardiologist and sports doctor, reviews the achievements in sports nutrition that can make the difference in competitions based on prolonged athletic efforts, the effectiveness of which has been demonstrated by the most recent international studies.
The management of vertebral metastases
Vertebral metastases are increasingly frequent, in a context of general prolongation of cancer patients life expectancy and consequent chronicization of tumors. Metastatic vertebral lesions require specialized interventions aimed primarily at stabilizing the spine and limiting pain, skills available within multidisciplinary teams, able to follow the evolution of the disease step by step.
Myopic progression: lenses with D.I.M.S. Technology
Authoritative studies hypothesize that, in 2050, 50% of the world's population could be nearsighted. D.I.M.S. optical technologies (Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments) have been developed to counteract myopic progression, occurring on all continents, caused by various factors but above all by incorrect lifestyles. The positive confirmations regarding the clinical use of this technology, coming from studies lasting over two years, are the subject of the debate, tooking place in the recent edition of the MIDO Eyewear Show, which we propose below.
Avanzamenti in chirurgia dell'obesità
L’équipe di Chirurgia bariatrica dell’Ospedale Buccheri La Ferla di Palermo fa il punto sull’evoluzione delle modalità di gestione del paziente obeso.
Insights about the ways to perform radical bladder cancer surgery. At the center of the comparison, the state of health of the "Paduan Ileal Bladder", a method of reconstruction of the urinary organ that uses a portion of the intestine - conceived 35 years ago by Prof. Walter Artibani - in the light of the evolution of surgical techniques, from laparoscopic surgery to robotic surgery, up to the use of artificial intelligence. Complementary clinical issues were also addressed, such as the multidisciplinary approach in the management of PDTAs and the patient's quality of life after urinary diversion.
Retinal diseases today
Professor Francesco Bandello, Director of the Ophthalmological Clinic at Life and Health University, IRCCS San Raffaele in Milan, reviews the main retinal diseases, in light of the most recent achievements in research, clinical and technological evolution in ophthalmology. The disturbing prospective scenarios that characterize the two main strands of retinal pathology (diabetes and population ageing) do not prevent us from appreciating the progress that science records both in the diagnostic and therapeutic fields.
A peptide to defend the mitochondrion from toxic proteins
A quarter of a century of in-depth studies on the mitochondria has allowed a group of biomolecular researchers from the University of Catania to identify and test a peptide capable of restoring mitochondrial function, counteracting the action of toxic proteins which - particularly in neurodegenerative diseases – limit the role of the VDAC protein. A spin-off of the Sicilian university has patented the discovery and is conducting studies on animal models. In the meantime, the search for an industrial partner has begun.
Knee osteoarthritis. What is it and how is it treated
Knee osteoarthritis is a rapidly growing disease worldwide. There are many causes, not least the rapid increase in the average age of the population. In this in-depth analysis from a practical point of view, Doctor Domenico Siro Brocchetta addresses the causes and general manifestations of arthritic disease and then focuses attention on the methods of treatment of that of the knee, a discipline in which he boasts decades of surgical experience. The presentation concludes with a review of the prosthetic materials and an overview of the operative procedure and rehabilitation.
From the 32nd SIC Congress - Paris
Recentemente, la cosiddetta “medicina di genere” ha prodotto studi sempre più numerosi sul modo in cui le malattie differiscono tra uomini e donne in termini di prevenzione, segni clinici, approccio terapeutico, prognosi, impatto psicologico e sociale
Società Italiana Sistema 118
In virtù della propria intensa attività quotidiana di pronto intervento medico sull’intero territorio nazionale, S.I.S. 118 dispone di un punto di osservazione privilegiato sull’evoluzione della pandemia COVID-19.
IdentiGEN - DNA TraceBack
IdentiGEN is the first company in the world to develop and deliver DNA traceability on an industrial scale
L'esperienza di Takeda - Intervista a Stefano Sommella
The pharmaceutical industry between technological evolution and social responsibility
L'impiego dell'Irisina nella lotta al diabete
Uno studio dell’Istituto di Endocrinologia dell’Università di Bari ha dimostrato che l'Irisina è molto salutare per le cellule beta del pancreas e funge da stimolo per la produzione di insulina
MatMaCorp - Rapid on-site molecular testing
The system is devised of three simple, easy-to-use components. The entire process takes approximately 2-hours from isolation to analysis
Technological evolution in Bariatric Surgery
Quali sono gli effetti che l’evoluzione tecnologica ha prodotto in sala operatoria e come si garantisce che essi vengano utilizzati a totale beneficio del paziente? Il Prof. Marco Antonio Zappa, Presidente della S.I.C.OB. (Società Italiana della Chirurgia dell’Obesità) descrive i grandi cambiamenti che hanno caratterizzato le esperienze del chirurgo e il rapido passaggio dalla laparotomia alla laparoscopia, soprattutto in un ambito come la chirurgia bariatrica che si sta rivelando strumento terapeutico fondamentale per un pubblico di pazienti in rapida crescita.
Studio SELENE HF - Dal Congresso ESC 2021 Virtual
The SELENE HF study, presented at the ESC 2021 Virtual Congress, shows that an algorithm is able to predict the worsening of heart failure
Prof. Cesare Faldini explains the hip and its diseases
Professor Cesare Faldini, Director of the 1st Orthopedic Clinic of the Rizzoli Institute in Bologna, addresses the topic of the hip, the pathologies that afflict it and the solutions possible today in nine videos.
Causes, prevention and treatments of influenza
Prof. Fabrizio Pregliasco, in the four videos dedicated to influenza, explains the carachteristics, the issues, the treatments and the pandemic threats of influenza and related disorders.
Diabetes: amputation of the lower limbs drastically reduced thanks to the endovascular technique
Dr. Lanfroi Graziani, is behind the endovascular technique to unclog the lower limbs arteries in diabetic patients. In the videos he talks about the methods and the global achievements of his technique.
Oncological Hospital “A. Busnico”, Cagliari, Pain Therapy
Dr. Sergio Mameli , Head of the Pain Therapy Unit at the Oncological Hospital in Cagliari, addresses many aspects of pain control especially (but not only) in cancer patients . After explaining the mechanisms responsible for generating pain, Dr. Mameli describes the diagnostic procedures and therapeutic methods that are applied in various situations of chronic pain, based on the extensive experience of the hospital , a national point of reference for the whole island.
SIRM - Societa Italiana Radiologia Medica
La figura professionale del radiologo oggi ha competenze e responsabilità sempre maggiori, che gli vanno conferendo un ruolo di particolare rilievo nel sistema sanitario nazionale.
Chirurgia estetica "soft": alla ricerca della naturalezza
The time for exaggeration is over. Dr. Fabio Claudio Fasulo describes and demonstrates some of the techniques of "soft" cosmetic surgery of the third millennium.
Fourth Neurology Specialization Day
And it is held at the State University of Milan the day conference of the School of Neurology, Which Had IN trainees the main protagonists.
The most advanced techniques of global rhinoplasty
Pioneer in Italy of modern rhinoplasty, in this video page Prof. Paolo Gottarelli illustrates in detail the various techniques that today represent the most advanced knowledge in the field of nasal surgery which he defines as "global rhinoplasty".
The foot and the sport in childhood and adolescence
The trauma and foot deformities in children and adolescents , related to sports ( be it only recreational or competitive ) , is a group of arguments full of ideas and worthy of study .
Innovations in headache treatments
Chronic migraines, a new technique stimulating the great occipital nerve, when a multidisciplinary approach proves a winner
Che cos'è la Medicina Ambientale
La Società Italiana di Medicina Ambientale (SIMA) persegue lo scopo di ridurre l'impatto dei fattori ambientali sulla salute, utilizzando le competenze di una vasta gamma di discipline scientifiche apparentemente non collegate all'area biomedica.
Knee implant revision: a growing phenomenon
Knee revision in patients who received their primary implant in a young age and those needed due to infections of primary implants are the issues covered by these clinical insights.
News on knee and hip diseases
Prof. Gennaro Pipino draws on his professional experience to outline an effective overview of the techniques applicable today in lower limb surgery.
Procedure mininvasive per il trattatmento dei miomi
La procedura chirurgica tradizionale con impiego di elettrobisturi non è esente da possibili complicanze, mentre l'enucleazione del mioma con ansa fredda garantisce l'integrità anatomica e funzionale del muscolo uterino.
Vaginal atrophy in post-menopause: a new treatment
Vaginal atrophy in post-menopause is one of the most common issues facing women but also one of the less talked about. A new laser treatment helps to return to a normal sexual life.
Collagenasi: presente e futuro del trattamento del morbo di Dupuytren
Coronary syndrome and medicated balloon
Il Dottor Francesco Greco approfondisce uno degli aspetti più recenti e interessanti del trattamento di angioplastica coronarica: l'impiego del palloncino medicato (o a rilascio di farmaco).