Spina bifida: the experience of ASBIN Niguarda - 1
The neural tube defect or spina bifida is a malformation of the fetus that can be prevented. It may be due to various factors including a lack of certain enzymes, which may be easily corrected with the intake of folic acid.
The neural tube defect or spina bifida is a malformation of the fetus that can be prevented. It may be due to various factors including a lack of certain enzymes, which may be easily corrected with the intake of folic acid.
Folic acid in prevention of fetal malformations
Gfk Eurisko survery on risk of malformations -1 Isabella Cecchini
Gfk Eurisko survery on risk of malformations-2 Isabella Cecchini
Evaluation of data on programmed pregnancies
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Spina bifida: the experience of ASBIN Niguarda - 1
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Spina bifida: the experience of ASBIN Niguarda - 2
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Spina bifida: the experience of the ASBIN Niguarda Hospital-3
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Folates in women of child bearing age -1
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Folates in women of child bearing age-2
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Health Ministry: prevention during preconception - Serena Battilomo
Folates in women of child bearing age-3
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
In Europe, the only possibility is the consumption of folic acid 400 mcg/die - 1
Prof. Nicola Colacurci
In Europe,the only possibility is the comsumption of folic acid 400 mcg/die - 2
Prof. Nicola Colacurci
Questions and Anwers