Spina bifida: the experience of the ASBIN Niguarda Hospital-3
Prenatal diagnosis of spina bifida, needs to be extremely accurate in order for the parents to understand the level of disability their child will have. Prevention is fundamental and must be carried out throught the different stages of the woman's life.
Prenatal diagnosis of spina bifida, needs to be extremely accurate in order for the parents to understand the level of disability their child will have. Prevention is fundamental and must be carried out throught the different stages of the woman's life.
Folic acid in prevention of fetal malformations
Gfk Eurisko survery on risk of malformations -1 Isabella Cecchini
Gfk Eurisko survery on risk of malformations-2 Isabella Cecchini
Evaluation of data on programmed pregnancies
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Spina bifida: the experience of ASBIN Niguarda - 1
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Spina bifida: the experience of ASBIN Niguarda - 2
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Spina bifida: the experience of the ASBIN Niguarda Hospital-3
Dr.ssa Maria P. Pisoni
Folates in women of child bearing age -1
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Folates in women of child bearing age-2
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
Health Ministry: prevention during preconception - Serena Battilomo
Folates in women of child bearing age-3
Prof. Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo
In Europe, the only possibility is the consumption of folic acid 400 mcg/die - 1
Prof. Nicola Colacurci
In Europe,the only possibility is the comsumption of folic acid 400 mcg/die - 2
Prof. Nicola Colacurci
Questions and Anwers