CGRP (Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) is a substance that triggers pain in migraine. All of the drugs that have been used to neutralize it so far have had major side effects. Currently, monoclonal anti-CGRP has proven to be highly effective and causes few side effects. However, pending the on-going drug trial, new stimulation techniques and new, effective methods for known drug administration have become available.
CGRP (Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide) is a substance that triggers pain in migraine. All of the drugs that have been used to neutralize it so far have had major side effects. Currently, monoclonal anti-CGRP has proven to be highly effective and causes few side effects. However, pending the on-going drug trial, new stimulation techniques and new, effective methods for known drug administration have become available.
Stresa Headache Seminar 2015

Stresa: una preziosa occasione di confronto sulle cefalee

CGRP antibodies and other new treatments for migraine

Pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments for migraine

Puntura lombare evacuativa contro l'emicrania cronica

Quando e come l'emicrania può diventare cronica

La cefalea nella donna in menopausa: sintomi, terapia ormonale sost

Trattamento chirurgico delle cefalee resistenti ai farmaci

Cefalea a grappolo: evoluzione, sintomi, diagnosi e trattamento

Paziente emicranico e integrità funzionale delle reti neuronali

Sindrome di HaNDL: difficoltà diagnostiche e terapeutiche di una malattia rara