Cervical and Cephalic Cancers: the role of surgery
The surgeons plays an important part in treating cervical and cephalic cancers: he can determine the stage of the cancer, decide to intervene immediately or to take over in case of relapses subsequent to a non surgical treatment. For the future an even more precise specialisation may be the key to improvement.
The surgeons plays an important part in treating cervical and cephalic cancers: he can determine the stage of the cancer, decide to intervene immediately or to take over in case of relapses subsequent to a non surgical treatment. For the future an even more precise specialisation may be the key to improvement.
1° Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Cervico – Cefalica
La chirurgia robotica contro i tumori cervico facciali
Prof. Giuseppe Spriano
What is AIOCC and which is its mission
Prof. Fausto Chiesa
Head and neck cancers: the role of medical oncology
Prof. Adriano Paccagnella
Total laryngectomy: is there an alternative?
Dott. Giuseppe Rizzotto
La radioterapia nel team multidisciplinare
Dott. Elvio Russi
L'approccio multidisciplinare del team specialistico
Prof. Giovanni Mandolitti
Cervical and Cephalic Cancers: the role of surgery
Prof. Giovanni Succo