Over 32,000 healthcare professionals gathered in Munich to hear the breaking news on cardiovascular medicine at the ESC 2018 Congress. This year all previous records were beaten, thanks to the participation of specialists from 156 countries. The organizers were able to offer sessions on every subspecialty, echoing the ESC motto "Our Diversity is Our Strength". 4,500 abstracts were presented in 500 expert sessions, covering 400 cardiology topics. A total of 92 late-breaking science studies were presented, including 17 Late-Breaking Clinical Trials
Over 32,000 healthcare professionals gathered in Munich to hear the breaking news on cardiovascular medicine at the ESC 2018 Congress. This year all previous records were beaten, thanks to the participation of specialists from 156 countries. The organizers were able to offer sessions on every subspecialty, echoing the ESC motto "Our Diversity is Our Strength". 4,500 abstracts were presented in 500 expert sessions, covering 400 cardiology topics. A total of 92 late-breaking science studies were presented, including 17 Late-Breaking Clinical Trials

ESC patient and cardiologist communication policy

Le nuove linee guida ESC-ESH condivise da oltre 10 mila cardiologi

ESC-ESH joint guidelines on hypertension

ESC 2018: quattro studi di grande rilevanza

ESC 2018: quattro studi di grande rilevanza

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in science

Le linee guida ESC sulla rivascolarizzazione miocardica

Studio MITRA-FR: esito sfavorevole a Mitra clip ma risultati da rivedere

ARRIVE trial data on aspirin in primary prevention

Sincope: le linee guida ESC 2018 favoriscono una diagnosi corretta

I dati dello studio ARRIVE su aspirina in prevenzione primaria

Cardiac imaging to identify myocardial infarction or injury

Rivaroxaban per la prevenzione dell'ictus nella fibrillazione atriale